I’m Julie Pace, I am running for
re-election for Paradise Valley Town Council to continue to protect and enhance the quality of life and residential living in Paradise Valley.
As a current Town Council member and former Vice-Mayor, and as attorney representing companies for thirty-years, I know firsthand the strengths and opportunities of Paradise Valley. I love Paradise Valley, and I have a passion for fighting for our quality of life. I have the energy, experience, connections and leadership to help address challenges that arise in our Town.
As Paradise Valley Town Council Member, I will...
Protect Quality of Life
I support one-house per acre zoning, no commercial businesses, and no property taxes! I have worked closely to support the Paradise Valley Mountain Preservation Trust, which has secured more than 223 acres of preserved land. I also helped found the Paradise Valley Public Safety Foundation, to support our first responders. I work closely with our resorts to ensure their success.
Short Term Rental Accountability
Paradise Valley is well within its rights as a Town to place restrictions on short term rentals operating here. Our STR ordinance is designed to keep Paradise Valley and our visitors safe, expanding noise regulations, ensuring background checks of renters, and making emergency contact numbers publicly available to report nuisance issues, among other changes.
Protect Paradise Valley’s Natural Beauty
I support reasonable development restrictions on hillside lots that balance new homes with the beauty of our mountain vistas. I have opposed dynamiting mountains for home construction, and oppose development proposals that infringe upon neighborhoods, cause safety issues, destabilize boulders, result in drainage issues, or degrade the one-acre, single-family residential character of our town.
Support our Police
Enhance our town’s safety and security through innovative technology, community outreach and support for the Police Department, including prevention of construction thefts and protecting our Houses of Worship. I helped create the Paradise Valley Public Safety Foundation to support our first responders.
Improve Infrastructure
Traffic is a growing concern on PV’s streets, our Town’s future growth must include plans for traffic mitigation without losing the rural quality of Paradise Valley. For this reason, I do not support projects like paving over of landscaped medians on McDonald Drive.
Transparent & Limited Government
I will ensure decisions are being made publicly, not behind closed doors or in cigar bars. I will push for good governance and best practices. I will continue to put the quality of life of Paradise Valley ahead of outside interests or personal gain. I support term limits and better ethical rules to ensure Town resources and funds are being used efficiently, legally and through proper procurement.
World-Class Resorts
Our Town has thrived and flourished without property taxes, and we will continue to do so. I enjoy and support our world-class resorts. Our Town may experience up to five remodels and SUP amendments involving resorts during next couple of years.
Community Involvement
Paradise Valley is made stronger by the involvement of residents. Our Town must improve community outreach and access to council, and improve awareness of issues that Council is voting on. I have led several grassroots efforts within the Town. I will engage the community on important issues early and often to ensure the Town Council is working in the Town’s best interest, and to advocate for Paradise Valley at other venues.
About Julie
Julie Pace is a 4th generation Arizonan and nearly 30-year resident of Paradise Valley. Julie has more than 28 years of experience as an employment, construction and OSHA lawyer representing companies. She is currently serving her second term as a Town Councilmember, and is the former vice mayor.
Julie chaired the Paradise Valley Advisory Committee on Public Safety (ACOPS) for over two years. She facilitated the reinvigoration of the Paradise Valley Mountain Preservation Trust and led efforts to improve PV’s Hillside Ordinance to ensure that safety and responsible planning are integral parts of the consideration of hillside building plans.
Julie and her Husband support many cultural and artistic resources in the area including: the Phoenix Symphony, Desert Botanical Garden, Musical Instrument Museum (MIM), The Southwest Shakespeare Company, Phoenix Art Museum, Heard Museum and more.


Teresa Mao, Lisa Mao and Charlotte Mao
“Julie Pace fights for our quality of life and stands up to those who seek to profit off our town. Julie
knows what is means to fight for our Town’s character and values.
Julie is a problem solver who will fight to protect and preserve our quality of life in Paradise Valley.
Julie is a truly dedicated member of our Council who stands up for residents and has repeatedly proved
her ability to negotiate and solve problems that are critical in maintaining the character and spirit of the Town of Paradise Valley.
As long-term Paradise Valley residents, we proudly endorse Julie Pace for Town Council.”

Pam Hait
“I’ve worked with Julie on our neighborhood issues. I know how she operates. She brings her considerable energy to focus on the problem. She challenges all parties involved to find a creative solution. She works tirelessly to find the answer that works for everyone, in the short and long term, one that doesn’t compromise the character of the town or create more problems down the road. It’s not the easy way to work but it is the right way.
Julie will elevate this community by her ability, integrity, and work ethic. She will inspire it by her caring.”

Sheila and Mike Zuieback
“Julie will work hard to protect our iconic mountains and the low-density residential character that makes our Town special to its residents and tax-paying resorts.”

Jon Wainwright
“I have worked with Julie on PV matters including when I was Chair of the Town Planning Commission and she was the vice-mayor and council liaison. I do believe in term limits, and this is the time for a refresh.
Our Town is based on limited government principles that Julie Pace honors. She takes the responsibility of service seriously and will do so with integrity, diligence, and fiscal stewardship.”

Diana Georgelos
“Community building and resident engagement are two cornerstones I look for in any strong civic leader. I support Julie Pace because she builds a strong sense of community everywhere she goes.
She is constantly engaging with residents to ensure their voices are represented in the town’s decision-making processes. In short, she is a good neighbor.”

Jane and Mal Jozoff

Peter Miller
“I called Councilmember Julie Pace and asked her for assistance in beautifying the front of the cemetery. I did not know Julie before I called her. She jumped in even though she has a lot on her plate (she is an experienced attorney for companies specializing in construction and employment matters, and a current PV council member). I can say without hesitation, that without her help this project would still be just an idea.”

Dayna Kully & Colleen Lomax
“We have worked with Julie Pace and watched her stand up for residents and our beautiful community. She has genuine passion for preserving our iconic mountains and the unique lifestyle of our community. We appreciate her informative newsletter, Preserving Paradise Valley, which keeps us up to speed on issues in our community.
We are confident that Julie Pace can lead our Town, be a unifying force, help preserve our Town values, and work with Town staff and the chief of police to protect our community.”